Learn how to grow strawberries in your own backyard by following the tips in this post. Just imagine, soon enough you’ll be enjoying the fruits of your labor. (See what I did there?)
Strawberries are relatively easy to grow in the ground, in raised beds, and because of their compact size, they can grow well in containers, too! It’s hard to beat the taste your very own home-grown strawberries.
They’re not only delicious- they make a great addition to your diet for numerous health reasons. According to this article on Healthline, “Eating strawberries is associated with a reduced risk of many chronic diseases, (and) strawberries may improve heart health, lower blood sugar levels, and help prevent cancer.” Truly a good-for-you berry!
Another perk of growing your own strawberries? You get to control what’s on and in your berries. Did you know that commercially grown strawberries are number one on EWG’s Dirty Dozen list for containing high levels of pesticides? So, since you’re better off growing your own, which type should you grow?
Types of Strawberries to Grow at Home
Gardeners have three main types of strawberries from which they can choose. June-bearing plants typically have the best yield and harvest time occurrs from mid-June to early July. Ever-bearing strawberry plants have two harvest times; one in the early summer and a second harvest taking place in the early fall. The last option is to choose day neutral plants that will produce a harvest throughout most of the growing season. All options are good options, but most importantly you need to find a variety that is suited to your growing zone.
Where to Grow Strawberries
Choosing the proper placement for strawberries is important. Choose a site that has loamy, well-draining soil. Get to know the soil in your garden first- if your soil is sandy or full of clay, add compost to improve the texture.
Strawberries grow best in full sun. If you’re not sure of the ideal placement for strawberries in your outdoor space, check out this post to learn how to use sun mapping to find the best location on your property.
When to Plant Strawberries
Determine your growing zone to find out the best time to plant in your area. Strawberries should be planted in the early spring to allow the roots the time they need to get properly established.
How to Plant Strawberries
After danger of frost in your area has passed, simply follow the steps below to get your strawberries planted.
- On planting day, loosen the soil in the garden in your planting area. This will make it easier for the roots to take hold and allow for water to pass through easily. If your soil is sandy or full of clay, add compost to improve the texture.
- Measure the proper spacing for your strawberry variety, and then dig a hole large enough to fit the roots of the plant (don’t bend the roots) and set it with the crown at the same level as the top of the soil. If you are planting more than one row of berries, keep each row 2 feet wide or less. It will make it much easier for you when harvest time rolls around!
- Tamp the soil lightly to secure the plant.
- Apply mulch 2-3 inches deep around the raspberries to protect against moisture loss and to prevent weeds. It is best not to cover the crown of the plant, so leave a bit of space around it as you spread the mulch.
- Water well and you’re done!
Seasonal Maintenance Tips for Growing Strawberries
Early Spring/Spring
Rake away straw or loose mulch as plants start to grow. Leave a bit of the straw in case a surprise frost happens in the spring- that way you’ll have something there that you can use to protect your plants.
Plant bare root strawberry transplants just before or on your typical local frost date, and plant potted plants from the nursery on or after your frost date.
Pinch off the first few weeks of flower buds on new plants to encourage the plant to become established. Thin June-bearing plants after harvest (the main plants should be 6-8 inches apart) and trim runners as necessary until frost. If you want to keep some of the new plants from the runners, place them where you want them to fill in any holes with new plants, press the roots into the soil and mulch.
Fall/Late Fall
Cover plants with 4-8 inches of straw in preparation for winter. Scroll down to the FAQ section to see more tips for preparing your strawberries for winter.
Delicious Ways to Enjoy Your Strawberry Harvest
We love using fresh berries as a topping on yogurt, oatmeal, ice cream, and desserts, or just eating one after another (after another) straight out of the garden. Home-grown strawberries are much more flavorful than store-bought. I also make a couple of batches of strawberry jam (stay tuned for the recipe!) and freeze several quart bags full of berries to use in smoothies or parfaits when we are berry-less through the winter and spring.
How to Freeze Fresh Strawberries
- Wash them well with gentle water pressure.
- Lay them out on a clean tea towel to dry.
- Trim stems off and cut into slices or dice. (I rarely leave the berries whole because they seem to take for-ev-er to thaw!)
- Place cut strawberries in a single layer on a cookie sheet covered in parchment paper.
- Put the cookie sheet into the freezer for a few hours.
- Remove from freezer and put your berries in quart-size freezer bags. Remove as much air from the bags as possible and freeze.
Should I remove the flowers from my strawberry plants?
After you plant brand new strawberry plants in your garden, go ahead and pinch off any and all flower buds that emerge for the first two or three weeks. Pinching off the buds encourages the plants to focus their energy on getting established by spreading their roots and producing leaves.
How long does it take for strawberry plants to produce berries?
Don’t expect too much out of your first year strawberry plants, as most of their growth is designated to getting established in your garden. You will get a better harvest the second year and beyond. After you notice flowers appearing in the spring, you can expect the berries to be ready to harvest in about 3-4 weeks.
How often do you water strawberries?
Strawberries need about 1 inch of water each week. When you water the plants, do so early in the morning to give the leaves time to dry throughout the day. This will help to keep leaf diseases away from your plants.
What should/shouldn’t be planted near strawberries?
It is best to keep strawberries away from nightshade vegetables such as tomatoes, potatoes, an eggplant, and peppers. Certain plant diseases can spread easily between this group so avoid this if at all possible. Keep melons, squashes, and cruciferous vegetables away, too, as they can invade the space or stunt each others’ growth. It seems like strawberries don’t have a lot of friends, but they have some!
A few good companions for strawberries are marigolds, spinach, lettuce, and herbs like thyme & sage.
Something to keep in mind- marigolds make fantastic companion plants to have in the garden serving as insect traps or insect deterrents so make a plan to include them- strawberries or not!
How much room do you need to grow strawberries?
Strawberries are a great compact plant that can be grown in containers. You can also grow them in raised beds or in 1-2 foot wide rows in the ground. Depending on the variety, each strawberry plant should be spaced 12-18 inches apart at planting time so they have ample space to put out their runners and spread.
Do strawberries spread?
Strawberries spread by putting out runners. Each runner hosts a “daughter plant” that will take root and begin growing into its own plant. Feel free to trim the runners with scissors or pruning shears to keep your plant in its designated space.
Will strawberries survive winter in raised beds?
Yes, with a little extra care from you the strawberries will survive until next year. If you have a northern garden and your raised beds are elevated, fill in the space underneath and along the sides of your raised bds with straw bales or another form of insulation. The key is to keep the soil in the raised garden as warm as you can. For elevated raised beds and raised beds on the ground, cover your berries with a 4-8 inch layer of straw and you should be all set!
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